Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The gauge shows that the tension in the cable is heading towards its maximum - which is just under 50,000 kpa. Note the tube protruding from the slab. This tube will be high-pressure pumped with a concrete mix that will lock the cable into the slab in its post-tensioned condition.

Meanwhile over in the existing UWS Clinical Practice Unit, Sharon and Tracey set up the "Sim-Man". This programmable mannequin will be accommodated within the Nursing Hub area of the completed Multi-Purpose Building. The purpose of today's practical demonstration is to educate the project team on the servicing requirements (compressed air / power / data) and the reticulation of these for "Sim-Man's" operation.

"Sim-Man's" visitors from the LIPMAN site shed feign concern for his condition.

It all gets too much for Daiana.

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